All posts in Making Stuff

A Midsummer Night’s Sewing Round-up

Placemat - closeup

For most of this year, I haven’t been sewing much because, well, I’ve been busy with work that pays me actual money.  Seriously, though, things are very different now than they were this time last year, which is likely to be fodder for a forthcoming blog post.  The long and short of it is that I’ve had a lot of rewarding work over the past six to nine months that has kept me very busy and away from my sewing machine.  Good for the pocketbook, but not so great for conversation or making stuff.

As I’ve slowly been clawing my way out of workaholism (really…what else was I supposed to do during this awful, awful winter?), I’ve been trying to get back to some of my avocations, like sewing.  There’s been no shortage of projects, and my collection of patterns, like sauerkraut left unattended in the fridge, seems to be multiplying on its own.  (Seriously, if anyone can explain to me that sauerkraut phenomenon, I will be eternally grateful.)

I also have an ever-present pile of clothes earmarked for mending and altering that taunt me from the corner of my sewing room, and some of the clothes have been on the pile for years.  Especially when I switch the clothes in my closets because of the season change, I am acutely aware of clothing that I haven’t worn in years.  I’ve instated a rule:  If a particular piece of clothing hasn’t been worn for the entirety of a season, it gets donated.  However, this rule breaks down when it comes to clothing my grandmother made for me, which carry a certain sentimental value.  Even though I know deep down in my heart of hearts that I’m never going to wear that large flower print pleasant dress that she made for me in the 90’s, I still harbor the completely unrealistic fantasy that perhaps Elaine Benes’ wardrobe will come back into style, and then I’ll be really glad that I hung on to all of those horribly unfashionable dresses that look like a cut-rate florist threw up on me.

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Sewing Sunday: December Edition – New Year, New Pants

Fancy pants - front

Happy New Year, everyone!  It is with great joy that I share my final project of 2013, completed just in time to wear for the New Year’s Eve soiree chez Wittzler.  I was really dubious about finishing this project in December, but with the exception of a belt loop (more on that later), I did it!  As the culmination of all my learnings as a seamstress this past year, I decided to tackle the most complicated clothes project I’ve tackled yet–a pair of fitted pants.  I hoped to complete them in time to have something special to wear for New Year’s, but when it came to be December 22nd, and I was only just cutting out the material, I wasn’t so certain that I’d finish them in 2013.

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Sewing Sunday: November Edition – Wacom Tablet Case

closed Wacom case

Last month I got a new gadget that I am extremely excited about.  I’m not a huge gadget person, but this one has already paid for itself in terms of increased productivity.  What is this amazing new gadget, you ask?  It is none other than a Wacom tablet, the savior of illustrators and designers everywhere!  Essentially, it’s a drawing surface that allows you to draw directly on your computer screen.  It’s pressure sensitive, and you can draw just like you’re drawing in your sketchbook.  It effectively cuts out the process of having to scan and illustration into the computer and clean it up for use in design projects.  It’s an amazing timesaver, and I can’t believe that I didn’t invest in one sooner in my design career.  I’m not really exaggerating when I say that it has changed my life as an illustrator.

Here it is–the new love of my life (sorry, Ben).  She’s pretty, right?

Wacom Intuos Pro

Okay, enough raving.

When I bought the Wacom tablet, it didn’t come with any sort of a protective case.  I expect that I might want to take it with me on occasion when I’m working remotely, in addition to the fact that it should probably be protected when stored at home, so I decided that I’d make a fabric case for it this month.  Plus, I didn’t have a whole lot of extra time this month to sew due to the fact that I had a draft of a big report due just before Thanksgiving, along with obligations related to Greenbuild, the U.S. Green Building Council’s annual conference, for which I was on the host committee here in Philadelphia.  (You might remember that I was involved in building the Legacy Project for the conference, which I wrote about a couple months ago on this very blog.)  Oh yeah, and somewhere in there, I was working on a cover story about electric cars for a forthcoming issue of Grid Magazine.  You get the point–it was a busy month with little time for sewing.

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