All posts tagged sewing

Sewing Sunday: August Edition – Silky and Skirty


I’ve had this lovely material from, you guessed it, The Resource Exchange (Have you noticed this is a theme with my sewing projects?) for a couple of  months.  It’s  a lovely silk that looks olive green in some lights and beige-y in others.  It has big flowers on it in brown, orange, gold and olive green, and it makes me think of fall.

Vogue pattern 8882I thought the big print might make it too much for a dress, so I decided to make a skirt from it. I had found this great Vogue pattern for a very full skirt with crinoline underneath (see picture at left), but when I measured the amount of material I had, I discovered that I really only had a little over 2 yards, which wasn’t enough to make a super full skirt.  Bummer, but I’m sure I’ll find another reason to make that skirt in the future!  With my yardage constraint, I went searching for a different option.

Butterick 3402From the stash of my grandmother’s patterns at my mom’s house, I had taken an old pattern that my grandmother had used to make me a skirt in high school (see picture at right).  I remembered really liking the skirt, but I didn’t have it anymore.  It was bias cut, lined, and it had a good twirl factor (meaning I could twirl around in it, and it would flow gracefully around me–this was very important as a kid).

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Sewing Sunday: July Edition — A Simple Summer Sheath Dress

Sheath dress neck facing

A couple of months ago, I got this amazing fabric from The Resource Exchange.  It came from a designer, and I’m not sure whether it was hand-dyed or not, but when I washed it prior to making anything out of it (to pre-shrink the material if it was going to do that), the fabric gave up so much red that my wash basin looked like I had killed someone in it.  I washed it several more times to make sure I had most of the red dye out that was going to come out; hopefully this will cut down on bleeding during future washes.

Because the fabric pattern was so cool (and somewhat busy), I knew that I would have to make something relatively simple out of it.  Something that wouldn’t violate the large, geometric pattern too much and wouldn’t detract from how cool the fabric is.  Since I’m a little short on more business-appropriate summer dresses, I decided that a shift or sheath dress would work well.  The dress lines would be simple so the fabric pattern could stand out.  I found a New Look pattern online for $7, which seemed quite reasonable, so I ordered it.  I’ve never used New Look patterns before, but they’re made by Simplicity, which I have used before, so I figured it would probably work out well.

Sheath Dress PatternSizing for patterns is different from sizing for clothes you buy in a store, and according to my measurements, I’m a size 14.  When my grandmother used to make clothes for me, we occasionally would have the problem that when she made the clothing according to the size I should be based on my measurements, it would come out too big, and she’d end up having to take it in considerably.  I never really understood what the problem was, but now I do.  When I cut out the pattern, I noticed that it had listed on the piece for the front of the dress what the final measurements would be.  A size 14 means my measurements are 36-28-38.  According to the pattern, the finished garment size was going to be 40-34.5-42.  Um, what?  Basically, it meant that if I made it my size, it was going to look like I was wearing a sack.

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Sewing Sunday: May Edition – Alteration Adventures

Shirt ruffle pattern

I have a confession to make.  I didn’t actually sew on a Sunday this month.  In fact, I just got May’s project done today under the wire.  (Phew.)  It’s been kind of a busy month, and I found myself without any free Sundays to sew.  Next month’s looking better.  The unfortunate byproduct of waiting until today to finish my project is that my second floor has just about reached inferno conditions due to the heat wave and the fact that I’m stubbornly not putting my air conditioners in until it’s at least June–not ideal for sewing and using a hot iron.  But I persevered, and now I’m happy to say that I have a new(ish) shirt.

Ann Taylor blouseThe reason I say new(ish) is that I decided to dive into the world of alterations this month.  I’ve had this shirt for eight years (shown at left) that I really like because of the pattern on the material–very organic and kind of art nouveau-y.  It came from Ann Taylor, and it’s a well-made silk shirt, but apparently it was no match for my under-arm perspiration.  (Seriously, what is in that stuff?  Pure acid?  And why does it turn some of my t-shirts’ armpits bright orange?  It’s gross, really.)  This winter I noticed that it had developed some holes in the armpits (in addition to, despite my best eco-friendly dry-cleaning efforts, some lovely discoloration).  Saddened by this development, I was trying to figure out a way to keep the shirt from the landfill since I knew I wasn’t going to be able to donate it with holes in the pits.  Then it dawned on me that perhaps I could turn it into a lovely summer blouse, since I have a shortage of those.  Problem solved.

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