All posts tagged GOP

How to Disenfranchise 1.6 Million Pennsylvanians in One Easy Step

Voter ID in Pennsylvania

I voted today.  I really like voting.  In fact, if I could vote twice, I would.  I like voting that much.

And now, as a Pennsylvanian, I feel fortunate that I can vote.  And if I didn’t drive, that could be very different.

As of March, Pennsylvania is sporting a new law that requires all Pennsylvanians to show ID to be allowed to vote.  Why, you may ask?  Well, as the Republicans that control our state will tell you, voter fraud is a very serious problem that is endangering our electoral process.  They say this despite the fact that data points to the incidence of voter fraud being as low 0.00004%.  According to the National Weather Service, you are as likely to be struck and killed by lightning.  But don’t worry, the Republicans have this problem under control.  I’m so glad, because I was worried they were spending their time trying to figure out how to keep tuition rates at state universities low or how to keep gas companies from raping and pillaging our land.  Thank God they’re focusing on more pressing matters.

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